
Venticinque anni e il naso sempre tra le pagine – Chistmas edition!

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Book Blitz: “Collide”, Melissa West

Cucù, sorpresa! Ritorno su questi schermi, con un blitz improvviso per parlarvi del terzo volume di una trilogia che mi sta incuriosendo moltissimo e che conto di affrontare non appena il carico di libri arretrati si sarà alleggerito un minimo.
Che ve ne pare? La conoscete già? Oggi esce il terzo volume, quale occasione migliore per scoprirla?

Titolo: Collide (The Taking #3)
Autore: Melissa West
Data di pubblicazione: 9 febb. 2015
Editore: Entangled Teen
Pagine: 320

Military legacy Ari Alexander has survived alien spies, WWIV, and a changing world order. But when the new leader of Earth uses Jackson—the only boy she’s ever let herself care about—to get to her, Ari has no choice but to surrender.
To free Jackson, she agrees to travel to the national bases to train others to fight. What she discovers is a land riddled with dying people. Ari has the power to heal by turning the fighters into aliens—half-breeds like her. If she succeeds, together, they have a chance at overthrowing the alien leader, Zeus. But if she fails, everyone she holds dear will be wiped away forever.
Once again, everything Ari’s come to believe is thrown into question. In a world of uncertainty, loyalties are tested, lies are uncovered, and no one can be trusted. If Ari and Jackson have any hope at survival and at preserving a life for the future, they must fight the final war with their eyes wide open.

La saga

Gravity (The Taking #1):
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Hover (The Taking #2)
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Collide (The Taking #3)
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My gaze drifts over to Jackson to find him watching me, his blue-green eyes no longer beaten, but strong. Alive. Raging.
I walk over and press my hands to the glass, my eyes never leaving his. In them I see everything he’s thinking and feeling. His anger at Kelvin. His sadness at losing Mami. His love for me, an unwavering fire inside him. And then I see his determination, so clear it’s as though I’m thinking it myself—he’s going to kill Zeus.
It’s time to begin.
Jackson nods once to me, and I grip the glass tighter, feeling its composition, and then the glass vibrates, harder and harder. Law goes still. I draw a breath, my focus on the boy I love and his raging eyes, and then a tiny crack splits out from my right pinky finger like a spider web across the glass, splitting again and again. Another starts from my left hand and I lean farther into the glass, imagining Jackson and me back on Loge, Emmy and Mami, and then the window bursts, the glass shooting out in a thousand directions.
Jackson stands slowly, effort etched into his face, the muscles in his arms flexing. The door to his room starts to open, and my gaze flashes over, every fiber in me focused on keeping it shut.
“They’re coming,” I say.
“It doesn’t matter,” Jackson replies, his voice like a warm blanket over my heart, soothing the ache that’s been there since he disappeared. The ache I feared would never go away. “They can’t contain us. They will never contain us.”
— Collide, Melissa West

Melissa West writes young adult and new adult novels for Entangled Teen and Embrace and Penguin/InterMix. She lives outside of Atlanta, GA with her husband and two daughters and spends most of her time writing, reading, or fueling her coffee addiction.
She holds a B.A. in Communication Studies and a M.S. in Graphic Communication, both from Clemson University. Yeah, her blood runs orange.

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“I thought I’d never see you again,” I whisper. “I thought you were…” I can’t bring myself to finish the thought.
He shakes his head, his eyes still on mine. “I would find you.”
“But what if—”
“You’re all I have now, all I need. I would find you.” And then his hands are in my hair, securing me to him, his lips on mine. A combination of a sigh and a sob bursts from my mouth and then he’s lifting me up, my legs wrapping around his waist as he carries me to my bed, never letting his lips leave mine. He kisses me like it’s the last kiss we’ll have, like he needs me to breathe. And I can’t get enough.
We lose ourselves in each other; exploring all the places we’d never paid attention to before. I slip off his shirt and kiss a trail down his back, up his side, loving how even now, broken by the pain of losing Mami, he is still beautiful. Even more beautiful.
He lifts me up so he can tug off my shirt and then we’re lying in bed naked, a sheet over us as we allow our bodies to meld together, everything else gone but this moment. But us.
— Collide, Melissa West

Book Blitz organizzato da
YA Bound Book Tours

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Recensione: “Con un poco di zucchero”, Chiara Parenti.

Ancora tre ore e mezza di treno davanti a me, e solo due alle spalle: il viaggio della speranza non è neanche a metà. Vi lascio con la recensione di oggi, nella speranza che il vostro lunedì sia più entusiasmante del mio!

Titolo: Con un poco di zucchero
Autore: Chiara Parenti
Editore: Rizzoli
Pagine: 150
Anno: 30 ottobre 2014

A trent’anni suonati Matteo Gallo, aspirante scrittore senza soldi e senza speranze, è costretto a vivere con la sorella Beatrice e “loro”, Rachele e Gabriele, i due scatenatissimi nipotini. Nessuna delle tate finora ingaggiate è riuscita a domarli. Ma ecco che, come per magia, un pomeriggio di fine settembre, un forte vento che spazza le nubi dal cielo porta tata Katie.
Beatrice e i suoi bambini restano subito incantati da questa ragazza inglese un po’ stravagante e scombinata, che fa yoga, mangia verdure, va pazza per i dolci… e che con le sue storie fantastiche e i suoi giochi incredibili è in grado di cancellare l’amaro della vita. Matteo invece cercherà (o crederà) di sottrarsi al suo influsso: ma sarà tutto inutile, perché Katie compirà su di lui la magia più grande. Quella dell’amore.
Dall’autrice del romanzo rivelazione dell’estate 2014 “Tutta colpa del mare (e anche un po’ di un mojito)” una nuova, divertente e supercalifragilistichespiralidosa storia d’amore, che fa rivivere il mito di Mary Poppins.

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